Conventional Ignition system
How to ignition of fuel at motor fuel divided into 2 types:
Ignition of its own Ignition by electric sparks
(Diesel motor) (Motor gasoline)
Diesel motor
Compressed air with a high compression pressure
• 20-40 bars (2-4 MPa) temperature rise 700 - 9000C
The fuel is sprayed into the combustion chamber
• Direct ignition occurs / combustion
Motor gasoline
Air + fuel mixture compressed with low compression pressure
• 8-13 bar (0.8 to 13 MPa) temperature rise 400 - 6000C
sparkplug ignition sparks occur / combustion
Conventional ignition systems on motor gasoline there are 2 kinds:
1.Sistem battery ignition

2. Magnetic ignition system

How to Boost Voltage
12 Volt 5000 – 25000 Volt
Battery voltage (12 V) was raised to high voltage 5000 - 25 000 volts using a transformer (coil).
Basic Voltage Transformation
Voltage transformation based on the principle of magnetic induction
a) The magnetic induction

If the magnetic digerak moving near the coil, then:
• There was a change in magnetic field
• Incurred voltage
Voltage is called "Voltage Induction"
b) Transformer

If the primary connection is connected to an alternating current transformer - back then:
• There are changes in electrical current
• There was a change in magnetic field
• There induksii voltage lights
c) Comparison of Voltage

Comparison of the voltage proportional to the ratio of the number of windings
• The number of winding induced voltage slightly smaller
• The number of induced voltage winding many large
d). Transformation with direct current

What if given a direct current transformer?
• The transformer may not work with direct current, because:
• flows remain
• no magnetic field change occurred
• There is no induction
By giving the switch on the primary connection
If the switch is opened / closed (on / off), then:
• Primary Flow disconnected - broken
• There is a change in magnetic field
• There was an induction
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akhirnya update juga bro.. keep sharing ea...
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