motor Diesel
• All inhaled air only,
cylinders to be fully charged
Otto motor
• The smoked is a mixture
fuel and air, the cylinder will
filled in accordance with the position of the gas valve
2. Step kompersi
Motor Diesel
• Comparison of compression = 15-23
• The air is compressed to = 1.5 to 4 MPa (15-40 bar)
• The temperature becomes = 700-900 oC
• Spraying of fuel started 30-10 before TMA
Otto motor
• Comparison of compression = 7-12
• air and fuel mixture is compressed to = 0.8 to 1.3 MPa (8-13 bar)
• The temperature becomes = 300-600 oC
• When the ignition = 30-5 before TMA
3. step work
motor Diesel
Fuel burn by itself due to the hot air temperature.
Taken combustion = 4-12 MPa (40-120 bar)
Otto motor
•Fuel burn from a spark jumps the spark plug
•Taken combustion = 3-6 MPa (30-60 bar)
4. step exhaus
motor Diesel
exhaust gas temperature =500-600 oC
Otto motor
Exhaust gas temperature =700 - 1000 oC
1.Differences formation of mixed
Motor Diesel
Formation of fuel and air mixture inside the combustion chamber
Otto motor
Formation of a mixture of fuel and air outside the cylinder (of the carburetor, manifold suction)
The differences in ignition
Happens by itself due to the high temperature end of the compression and ignition point of the relatively low fuel
Otto Motor
Occur as a result of a spark jumps the spark plug
Differences combustion process
Motor Diesel
• The maximum combustion pressure is much higher than the motor otto
• The process of combustion can be controlled by the injection system
Motor Otto
• The maximum combustion pressure is lower than the motor Diesel
• The process of combustion can not be controlled
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